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Business License Online Application mini lock

                                             City of El Cajon - NEW Business License Application

                                                   What you need to know to get started.

1. Business licenses are valid on a calendar year basis (January 1st - December 31st).

2. Business start date is the first date your business started in the City of El Cajon. 

3. Owner identification # is REQUIRED.  Sole owner or partnerships are required to provide social security
#s for all owners/partners. LLC, Limited Partnership, Trust or Corporations are required to provide a FEIN or 
SEIN for the business. 

4. If the business is located in the City of El Cajon, you must check with the Community Development 
Department - Planning Division to determine if the proposed business and location is in compliance with 
applicable regulations and if additional permits/licenses are required for operating the business. For additional
information, click on the link "Doing Business" on the City's website homepage.

5. Home-based businesses located in the City of El Cajon must complete and submit the Home Occupation Permit
Information and Application form to the Community Development Department - Planning Division. Please visit our
website to download the form.

6. Your business must comply with the federal and state disability access laws. Please visit our website
to obtain information regarding disabilty access requirements and resources. 

7. Payment will not be required until your application has been accepted. You will receive an email verifying the 
receipt of application. Within 7 days, you will be sent an email containing the amount due and instructions on 
how to make a payment online.

We wish you much success in your business venture.

City of El Cajon
Business License Division
200 Civic Center Way • El Cajon, CA 92020
(619) 441-1668